Monday, March 7, 2011


Well, i like to try different things now and then. So, i said i'll do it, when my friend came up to me to ask me to accompany him to a poetry recital contest.Well what he meant was to just accompany him till the foot of the podium and i took it seriously and prepared myself a set of poems so that i would give him company even on the stage. Sadly though none of our poems got selected, so, it goes......

Fly with me
I kept one foot out on the balcony
And pushed as hard as I could
I saw the ground beneath me shrink
As towards the heavens I took

I felt the wind blow through my hair
And over my back it swept
Under my belly it did a tickle
Through the air I crept

I raced the clouds
I raced the birds
I raced to the lords abode
I saw bliss everywhere as the mighty wind I rode

I was at peace
I felt blessed
I felt like ruler of all
And then was pulled back to the earth
When she cut the call….

Love is in the air they say
Love is in every one they say
Within every soul and every cell
How far it is true I cannot tell

I don’t know how far it is true
For I have not experienced it till now
But from the definition given I can safely say,
Love seems to be describing god in every way

I have gone to great lengths to experience love
Only I know what I have been through and how
I will give the lucky ones an ovation, a bow
And will continue on my quest for this all elusive love

Love is experienced by species all over
But only a human can contemplate its worth
It is like a river on route to its, vast, blue, soul mate
Trashing and bashing its hurdles, bracing itself and gushing forth
Nothing can stop its invigorating approach,
Cutting through earth like a mighty plough
And those who are yet to achieve this feat,
Will continue on their quest for this all elusive love.

Will I
Ring Ring rang the bell
The fight between the two was raging like hell
One was a demon the other an angel
The fight between the two was raging like hell

No one gave up no one gave in
Both were in a tiff, determined to win
They were fighting for their own cause
One for the power of will
And the other for time to kill
Angel summoned the strength within
Raging with fire, burning the demon’s skin
Demon in turn, wielded its force
Fought without honor, without remorse
Just when it seemed the demon would win
The angel ascended in might,
Fire within it thundering bright
Covering the eyes, retreating in shame
The demon knew it had lost the game

Ring Ring rang the bell
Out of the comfort of the bed I fell
The power of will had triumphed
Laziness retreating but my head bumped
With head held high I awoke
As the sunshine from the window broke
And it dawned on me, a hard day at work
I looked like an idiot, I felt like a dork

Oh, I wish the demon had won
This entire headache, I would have had none…..

I am depressed within and without
I do not know why; not even know why not

So, I ventured in far, I ventured in deep,
Into my soul’s abyss, I had a peep 

I got so involved I couldn’t even sleep,
With depression seething inside me, let more of it, into me, seep

And then with a jolt, out of this nightmarish dream, I did a leap
I said, I have done 22 now, have at least 60 more to reap

Then just as it had come in, out it went in a fleet
But with energy inside me, all deplete

The seed of happiness inside me I had sown
Pretty soon into a flourishing tree it will be grown

I was depressed within and without
I did not know why, but rid of it I had got.

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